Need to retain pre-login details

When I login to my internet bank, I see a pre-login screen that asks for the web account number [not the actual account number], my DoB and “Remember Me Y/N” - when I click OK, the web-page then goes on to the actual account login screen. When I re-try [closing Brave or not!], those details are missing and have to be filled in again. I need Brave to retain them but can not find out how?

I recently had a PC crash and lost all my emails. A Brave Techie previously advised me to set “Allow All Cookies” but that did not help this problem.

Does anyone know in lay [i.e. idiot-proof] terms what settings I should set to do this?

I am using a DELL Optiplex 3010 with Windows 10 [64-bit] and Brave
[Version 1.23.75 Chromium: 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Any help appreciated.
Best regards
Dave B.
Hove UK

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