Navigation system (upper right corner) in Android

IMHO, the system for navigation (symbols in upper right corner) is not very comfortable.
Please be kind to compare it with one in the browser VIA
I think, theirs is much more comfortable.

You can enable bottom toolbar. Go to Settings > Appearance.

And you’ll get bottom toolbar

Thank you for an answer, but it’s not matter where tools are situated. The gist is WHAT TOOLS are on the toolbar.
I say about symbols < (less than) and > (greater than). You can see them in the attached picture (upper right corner).
These “birds” make work much more comfortable. I bet you didn’t try VIA yet, did you? Please, do it in the name of truth.

сб, 27 июн. 2020 г. в 18:21, eljuno via Brave Community <[email protected]>:

Here is forgotten picture from my previous answer.

вс, 5 июл. 2020 г. в 18:35, Николай Волков <[email protected]>: