My YouTube Channel shows Unverified Creator on Desktop

My YouTube channel linked with my creator’s account always shows Unverified Creator but when visited from a mobile device it shows Verified. What is wrong with it? and how I should fix this?

YT Channel: Pure Gaming

Screenshot taken from Desktop:

Screenshot taken from Mobile:

Screenshot of my creator’s page:

If you look, that’s showing YouTube and not your channel. Try navigating around in your channel a bit more and/or watch a video. You should see it change. But just needed to point out it’s not showing your channel name there in tip, it’s just showing YouTube itself which is unverified

I’ve tried navigating everywhere I could. But the thing is, it shows “verified creator” from the same link if my creators account logged in in the same browser, but If I pretend to be someone who wants to donate something to their fav content creator and visit them then It doesn’t show ‘verified’ on desktop, no matter if I go home, video, playlist or any other tap, it just shows ‘unverified’. Even tried watching many videos but the result was always the same. There’s definitely something not right. I request you to please check.

Please look at the below screenshot it shows verified if checking from the same browser that has the creator’s account logged in. My youtube channel link and the opped YT tab are also the same, home!

you can see it is showing verified to me. It shows verified in one profile at a time
so don’t worry whoever wants to contribute to you they will see it verified

I don’t understand, can you please explain? Thanks!

As I can see you have multiple profiles so for example If you have 2 profiles it will show verified in the very first profile you opened for staring your brave browser.
I repeat, you don’t have to worry about this thing other users who want to contribute to you will see you as “verified creator” and according to brave’s T&C If anyone do self-tipping the creator’s account gets banned.

I’ve just tried closing all of my profiles, strangely, it shows ‘verified’ on two of my profile regardless of if any other profile is open or not but it doesn’t show vefied in my third profile even if that is the only profile open at that time.

I know, All of my profiles are connected to Uphold and Gemini, there isn’t a reason to self-tip and waste 5%. Just wanted to know if I, myself can’t see my account is verified than how I believe others will see.

@Sidd When just clicking on the link, it pulls up as if YouTube. However, when I click on Videos and then back to Home or w/e, it shows with your channel and gives the option to tip.

Pure Gaming - YouTube - Brave 3_21_2022 12_20_53 PM

Pure Gaming - YouTube - Brave 3_21_2022 12_21_15 PM

As to what they are saying about Profiles and all, I don’t have a clue about what they are saying. I’ve only just learned that clicking links to go directly to a person’s page doesn’t open for the tip, it usually defaults to whatever website it is. A person has to manually navigate to their content OR if they do click a direct link, they have to bounce between content to get it to load. Hence why I mentioned last night to toggle on things.

If it’s not happening for you, I’m not sure what to say. At that point we’d have to see if @Mattches has a better answer. Of course, I would like to know why clicking on the direct link to content creator pages doesn’t automatically have them load. Such as where clicking on Pure Gaming had it show as if the Creator was YouTube. Probably something that should be worked on by whoever manages that.

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@Saoiray @Mattches
Any update on this?

We have an open issue for this — note that your channel is verified and is able to receive contributions as is:

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