My account still under review... No response from support team

My account still under review since 1st April… Didn’t get any response from brave support team

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Hi, I read that there are a lot of requests that are being processed bit by bit. Unfortunately you have to be patient.

So many scammers in the community have clogged up the support team from helping legit users.

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You seem highly informed.

All topics here in the forum are about Brave, list me here a topic where you can “help”, but at the same time do “not imitate the support”.


I have to say, my translator can’t quite help me here. I don’t even understand the assembly of your sentence. But of course it was very good of you to write something. Everyone is now informed, and will appoint you king of this forum, may you rule for a long time. :pray:

It’s still under review…

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