Multimedia options missing

*Troubleshooting technical issues

Brave Desktop – Settings – the multimedia tab is missing, but in Brave android is ok

**Description of the issue: Multimedia options missing
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. open browser
  2. Go to Settings
  3. at Left, the Multimedia option is missing on Desktop, but is OK on Android.

Expected result: Add options to enable Youtube options similar to Android

**Brave Version( check About Brave):v1.74.48 (Jan 15, 2025)

Umm, what is it you’re referencing?

I know on Android there is a Media section. On this it has:

  • Widevine DRM = This is on Desktop at Settings → Extensions

  • Background Play = This happens by default in Desktop

  • Open YouTube links in Brave = Default in Desktop because there’s no “YouTube App” or anything that would be preferred. Not to mention any preference on what a link would open is kind of controlled by your OS

  • Block Recommended Content, Block YouTube Distracting elements, and Block YouTube Shorts are all filters in Shields. - brave://settings/shields/filters