MSI installer for enterprise available? or silent install switch for Exe?

gents is there an MSI installer for my enterprise customers?
Or is there a silent install/uninstall option for an offline EXE ?


Looking to deploy this to our environment of less than security savvy users via SCCM. A silent switch for install/uninstall would be greatly appreciated.

It looks like GitHub has silent installation file but not release version. Do we have release version with silent installation?

Dear Brave DEVs,

we really love Brave and would like to deploy it to our team with about 500 clients.

That’s why i really would like to support this request for enabling a silent installation procedure for the STABLE release and not only for the DEV releases, because we can’t deploy them.

Come on! We are all interested in larger market penetration, deployments and network effects of Brave. An enterprise installer is a key feature here :wink:

Think about it, thanks and best regards,


I have interest on this thread because on my enterprise machine I can’t even download anything that is “.exe”. Tried renaming it and the system simply does not accept with my credentials. An MSI release would solve this. I use Brave on my personal machine, but I spend 80% of my time on this enterprise machine.

I didn’t see anything on the link:

Thanks for addressing this topic!

there is an MSI for the BETA version but of course this does not help in company environments.
(no one would want beta software in a productive environment)
A portable version, that is being cared of, would be great as well.

Use “WinGet install Brave.Brave --accept-package-agreements” to install Silently with comand Prompt or Powershell.
Uninstall Brave Silently - Without Prompt (