MSI file for deployment by GPO/SCCM availible or any way to make this possible

Dear all

I’m working for a customer right now where they have asked me to push brave browser to all users, because we are forced by law to make a browser availible to users when they reauest such.

However I can’t find an MSI file anywhere except one that’s not a public release so I don’t want to use this in our enviroment. I tried to use a converter to make the .exe an .msi but it does not work.

Is this availible yet and am I just blind? If not is it something planned so that I can also communicate this to the customer when I would be able to do this?

Thank you

Thank you for reaching out to us!
Unfortunately, we do not have an .msi available at this time. I would go ahead and leave a comment on this Github issue requesting that one be added:

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