Most images on brave won't load

There are multiple problems with the loading of images. Almost all of the images online simply don’t load and just show the default background for that website. This happens for all of the websites that I visit, even just searching them on the web.

Also, whenever I search something, after typing about 4-5 characters, a white/black texture appears over the searchbar (color depends on whether I’m using light theme or dark theme) that covers up my text, which I think is a glitch in the images shown in the search suggestions.

This problem occurs whether I’m using Brave Shields or not, and doesn’t occur on any other browsers. It also continues when I close and reopen Brave or restart my computer. Some images (<1/5 of them) don’t get blocked, these images do not change if I restart the page.How can I fix this problem?

Just got the same problem again on Firefox, but the searchbar isn’t blanked out.

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