The only option right now is Uphold, which I can’t get working for some reason ( won’t access my phone’s camera link on their site to verify without smart phone is greyed out…). In either case, I’d rather use other wallet(s) anyway.
Also, it’s a catch-22 where when I click ‘add funds (or maybe it says deposit?)’ it says I need an uphold account, but to create an uphold account I need to deposit 15 BAT… Which is I why I attempted to ‘add funds’ in the first place…
Anyways… Any news on adding support for more wallet options? Would be nice to just input a wallet address from the main rewards page…
will be introduced in the upcoming major release.
opened 07:37PM - 30 Aug 21 UTC
### Release Notes:
- Upgrade from Chromium 93.0.4577.51 to Chromium 93.0.4577… .58. ([#17668](
- Inconsistent capitalizations in main menu. ([#17309](
- Add ephemeral support to BroadcastChannel. ([#17220](
- Add support for Gemini for rewards external wallets. ([#17161](
- brave_stats: Change dtoi parameter to 30 days. ([#17089](
- Add wallet_active to stats usage ping. ([#17059](
- Move iOS recovery code option to Backup & Restore (Manage Your Wallet) area. ([#16954](
- Notify user that a browser restart is required for in-line tipping toggle to take effect. ([#16941](
- Consider adding uphold user ID to brave://rewards-internals. ([#16937](
- Fix jumping mute tab button when hovering on inactive tab. ([#16860](
- Rewards panel doesn't list IPFS links fully in panel. ([#16612](
- Add setting to enable/disable search tabs button. ([#16007](
- remove semi-verified state. ([#15390](
- Show 'X' (close) button on small tabs on macOS. ([#13946](
- Start brave in incognito+TOR mode using command line. ([#2105](
- Crash reporting prompt on release channel. ([#1841](
- Decrease height of download bar by showing source on hover. ([#1638](
It’s currently scheduled for 31st of August (later today).
Next generation Brave browser for Android, Linux, macOS, Windows. - Brave Release Schedule · brave/brave-browser Wiki
You can track developers’ progress of releasing the new version over here: