More Wallet Choice

A choice other then Uphold. Like or Binance
I am sick and tired of Upholds crap

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uphold closed my account after sending all the correct doucuments to verify my self and would not tell me why? so all the brave rewards i have means nothing total waste of my time. but brt brave got paid for all the adverts i clicked on. brave just rob people and make money other wise they would just let you claim to your own wallet not just uphold crap

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I have been locked out of my account since last YEAR! Uphold just sends you around in circles. I have sent all the correct documents to verify 4 TIMES!. Then they send you back to the very beginning. Brave needs to provide some other options other then Uphold, but they will not.

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I have my account back. I can now login to Uphold today. Now my problem is with Brave deleting my Ad notifications received this month.