Mobile rewards payout from December missing

Description of the issue:
Rewards from December still have not gone through. I have claimed my earnings as soon as they were available. The CDD questions were already answered (last year if I recall correctly). I received a payout from the desktop version of Brave rewards but not for my mobile device (when I did the for the previous month). I verified that my wallet is linked to uphold. If I tap on the rewards/your wallet screen, it shows “MISSING: MONTHJAN 2022”
How can this issue be reproduced?

I will update this thread if it happens for the next payout cycle.

Expected result:

I expected the mobile Brave Rewards payout would have happened by now.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Mobile Device details
Android 12, Pixel 4a
Additional Information:

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Response from Uphold support:

Sorry to hear that you’ve reached Brave’s device limit. As of now, the Brave team doesn’t have a permanent solution for this, but they want to help out!
They created a form that you can fill out with your correctly connected Brave instances information from brave://rewards-internals and submit it to their team. They will do their best to delete all other verified instances so you can add 1 more.

Please read their forum for the instructions:
Submit a request – Brave Help Center ( )

Feel free to contact Brave for more details →


Might help you:

Please ensure you update your browser to the latest build (you’re on the version before latest) and let us know if this happens again after they payment process is completed.

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