[Misleading Title] Brave now blocking conservative news sites

The reason you’re all seeing this is likely due to the fact that the list Muon uses for Malware Detection is blocking scripts on those pages that may or may not actually contain malware. It’s hard to say, given that we haven’t updated those lists in a while – months at least.

This is because, and I cannot stress this enough – we are no longer supporting Muon officially. Brave Core (that is, the version that leverages the chromium UI) is the officially supported release and has the most up to date security patches, fixes and filter lists for the browser.

You are welcome to continue browsing using Muon, but would highly recommended upgrading.

@pulleco, I know you mentioned that you use it for work because of the Menu bar up top not appearing. While I cannot guarantee the likelihood that will ever be changed, I will open an issue/feature request on GitHub for this (there is one already but I’ll make it nicer and more official) and see what kind of attention it attracts.

Thank you all for your patience.