Mis bat no se refleja en uphold

expongo mi caso nuevamente los 3 pagos no se reflejan en mi billetera, espero que los de soporte pueda esta vez atenderme. tengo ya 3 meses en esto y siempre me tienen en la misma. SIRVE O NO BRAVE???
primer mes: No me habia verificado, pero me verifique antes del 1ero.
segundo mes: Me dijieron que me esperara que eso me cai este mes no sabia la razones porque no me habian transferido si ya me habian verificado.
tercer mes: ya 2 meses verificada, aun no se refleja mis depositos en mi billetera… he escribido varias veces nadie me tiene respuesta

I expose my case again the 3 payments were not confirmed in my wallet, I hope that the support can this time assist me. I have 3 months in this and they always have me in it. SERVE OR NOT BRAVE?

First month: I had not verified, but I verified before the 1st. Second month: They told me to wait for that that I fell this month I did not know the reasons why they had not transferred me if they had already verified me. third month: already 2 months verified, my deposits are still not reflected in my wallet … he wrote several times nobody has an answer

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