I switched from Google Chrome to Brave on Mac a few days ago, and the only thing that’s missing is my custom search engines that I had on Google Chrome. I have moved over my bookmarks, but I do not see a way to move my custom search engines.
Is this something that Brave could work on, or is this a blocker from Google Chrome’s end?
I am aware of a way to add custom search engines. But, the primary issue is around importing al search engines from Google Chrome to Brave.
Giving it a closer look, I do see some search engines moved over now. But, a few custom ones that I had created are still missing. Wonder if there is a way to re-trigger importing of all search engines.
Yeah, exactly. You can add search engines manually but you can’t import them i.e. from Chrome. Which is a pity - myself, I have about a ~50-100 of them set up.
Do you have a ticket/GH issue for that already? Maybe I could help implementing that feature, maybe could raise a PR
You’re welcome to create a feature request or Github issue for this but I imagine it will get low priority for a while. Importing search engine’s isn’t exactly at the top of eveyone’s list of “must-haves”.
How custom are these searches? And how many are there?
Plus one for this feature. Search engine customization is a great performance booster. I have over 50 in chrome, and moving them manually is one big hurdle to make the transition to Brave.
+1, this would be great! I rely on these a lot for quick keyboard nav and have dozens defined, so it makes it tough to give Brave an earnest try, on top of having to install & configure extensions
This is the reason I registered here. Everything was migrated over nicely from Chrome, apart from my 100 custom search engines. I have a custom search set up for every damn dictionary site, shopping site, virtually every site that has a search field I was using from the search/URL bar in Chrome.
I just downloaded Brave today and this is the feature that sent me back to Chrome. I’m a security expert but also a power user. I use the “Search engine” feature of Chrome to type little 2-3 letter snippets to go to all of my websites. So for example, I type “ji” to search JIRA and I type “git” to go to my Github PR page. I know Chrome calls them search engines but they’re just links in 99% of the case. I must have 100 of them setup, easily.
Well, I’ll check back in a year to see if this is implemented. There’s no way I’m spending 4 hours moving them all over.
Allow me to join the line of people waiting for this feature. As a developer and a customization enthusiast, I have added a lot of shortcuts to Chrome via the custom engines feature, and I don’t really fancy adding them one by one to brave. In the meantime I will add one or two every day, and I guess in a month or two I will be done.
Would love it if brave implemented the import engines feature
Another vote from me. I switched from Chrome to Brave, and it was pretty seamless, but my custom search engines didn’t migrate over, and setting them all up manually is a big hassle. Please fix!
Joining the chorus here. I was really excited to give Brave a try, but having to manually move a very long list of custom search engines over is the fastest way I can think of to ruin the experience for me right up front.
I also just registered here to post this. Custom “search engines” in chrome mean “Go to any website directly to any sub page that you want by typing 5 letters”. Its the MOST useful feature of chrome and the reason why i switched from Firefox to Chrome. PLEASE add the feature to autoimport them. I will now spend 2 hours to move my 89 (!) custom searches because I also LOVE brave.
And, PLEASE: If I use custom search engines in brave, make them sync to my other devices too. I cant spend these 2 hours now on every device