May 5th Ads Reward Claim Errors

Dicen q hay q esperar la actualizacion 1.18.1 ???

A mi me aparece en play store una actualozacion del 9 de mayo. Pero dice otro numero

Me sale la misma que tĂș tienes imagino que hay que seguir esperando.

Anyone from brave te knows about what will happen to the lost bat on the brave beta app for Android? Any update coming to that also? Please help me out?..
@steeven @Asad . Thanks.

Hello, mobile Brave browser user on Android here. I too have lost my May BAT earnings due to the common issue with the server during the claim process (which failed). Have done nothing but monitor this thread since (as instructed), but there doesn’t seem to be a recent update as to how/ when this is being fixed. Is there anything I need to be doing, or is it just continued patience?


@Astrochamp yes, the reward of the miners drop half, but history said that the price go up, sometimes more than double at the beginning, and drops down some time after. Just reading the charts :smiley:

Et sa ne répond pas à ma question de toute façon

Hi, I’ve dm my rewards internals, not sure if you received it

Tinha 3 referĂȘncias confirmadas, nĂŁo recebi nada, devo continuar aguardando entĂŁo?

Just updated to 1.8.96 (Desktop), got my BATs automatically to my Uphold-Wallet. Thanks.


everything will be fine :person_in_lotus_position:t2:‍♂

~150 BAT gone
Something I can do?

@Asad @steeven

Hi all – please update to the latest build as there are a number of related fixes present.


No change

Thank you! The problem is solved for me in macOS. :+1:

how to update the desktop brave browser?

Ok but am I going to get paid the BAT that I’m owed?

how to update the desktop brave browser??

I went to brave://settings/help and the update started automatically. I just needed to restart the Brave browser after I was asked to do so.

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Are you sure you updated to 1.18.1? I have 1.8.93 and google play doesn’t push any more updates.


does anyone know when 1.18.1 will be released?