May 5th Ads Reward Claim Errors

Okay, I’ll be patient.

To my understanding, if Uphold rejects my account verification, i should still be able to receive the BAT tokens in my BAT wallet on brave. This can then be used to tip other content creators. Am I right? Or do i need to have a connected Uphold account to even be able to tip others?

@steeven I only have 3 wallets. The 2 wallets are working fine, only 1 having issues. Didn’t get the payout on the one having issue for the last 2 months. Haven’t claimed the payout for this month because I’m not sure if it will be reflected in my Uphold wallet. Also not sure if I can still get the 2 previous payouts that I didn’t get.

@steeven what happened in my case and now also the claim button disappeared. Help please.

Any update on this issue

hi. in all my device, desktop and on the android telephone of my parents i claim bat reward but everything disappeard.
amount is 0 Bat.

@hamzamemon @ljn @rmobo @ritikkanotra - when did you originally attempt your first claims?

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@steeven iam still not see claim rewards button. And my bat for april still in pending. Please fix it.

I think you are correct buddy.

We are waiting patiently for now. :sweat_smile:

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I’m still awaiting a claim Bar to reappear.

I’m UK GMT and tried to claim around 9am on the 6th.

My wallet balance still states zero. And my pending bat is no longer the 28.something it was yesterday before claiming.

Could I possibly have some advice, please? I’ve been made aware that an issue has been fixed, but I’m unsure if it will correct my problems.

@xGoHaNx @geosotos @st.gr06 @3.1415926535 @Danella @ritikkanotra @ljn can each of you DM me your Rewards Internals? They can be found in your rewards settings panel. Thanks in advance!

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@steeven Sir Can I also send you my rewards internals? My claim banner gone and also not received any bat.

Hello, I am in the same situation, my Claim button appeared once yesterday, it showed me an error and now it’s gone, also half of my initial bat amount is gone.

Where can I find my rewards internals exactly? I don’t see them in the rewards settings panel.

I haven’t received any BAT on my Windows desktop. The claim button appeared yesterday but then disappeared without me being able to claim. I had 26 BAT for the month and it is now gone. I also get an error message on my mobile

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i haven’t receive 6th may reward claim error please refound this

On 6th of may around 1pm IST

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Write in your search bar brave://rewards-internals and you will get


Hi steeven! Thanks for your reply. I’ll be patient :wink:

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Hi ljn – please read update up top of the thread. We ran in to an issue with early claims where only a software upgrade that is being worked on can recover. Bear with us and do not delete and reinstall. We will update when we have this. Thanks.