Lost some of my BAT due to Autocontribute Bug

I lost some of my BAT due to the autocontribute bug. Had A-C turned off in rewards settings, and I went from 17.5 to 16.8.

Any help would be appreciated.


Are you on the newest version of Brave? If not, please update your installation and you should be automatically refunded via a BAT grant.

I am not as a matter of fact.
Will try and report back! Thank you for the fast reply!
Just updated and the issue still remains, updated from 1.5.50 to 1.5.77 nightly.

Hey AASB, if you PM me (don’t share it publicly) your brave://rewards-internals data I will manually refund you :slight_smile:

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Good, excuse me, but I still do not see the Bat I did in Brave Rewards

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