Lost all tabs title must be at least 15 characters

Description of the issue:

all tabs nuked

How can this issue be reproduced:

just use brave normally eventually you will open it and all tabs will be gone

Expected result: file that contains information of at least which websites were open/stored

Brave Version: 1.9.79, Chromium 81.0.4044.138

Mobile Device details: Android 8.1.0; Moto G (5S) Plus Build/ OPS28.65-36-14

Additional Information:

Same thing happened to me in opera and firefox desktop, and chrome mobile. In firefox, the browser wasnt recognizing the file which contained the tabs information, so I had to open the installation folder and get a backup it auto generates, rename it and replace it where the file it’s supposed to read was. It worked, next time I opened it the tabs were all back there, as if nothing happened.

Is there such thing for brave mobile? A file in the installation folder i can just rename and have the tabs back? or at least know what they were, so i can manually reopen?

nobody? post must be at least 20 characters

is there really no one that can help me?

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