Location service is wrong for months now

@Metal3d It’s all confusing and I’d like to find out what ISP everyone is using, if anyone is using VPN, etc. I don’t feel like sorting through all the links you gave since some are 2 years old and all. I know in one, it looks like a Github was going but I don’t know how to track status of those things.

What I can say is a lot of people aren’t really having that issue. If nothing else, I had to help someone not long ago with the opposite issue…that their exact location was showing when they didn’t want it to be. Stop Google location - #2 by Saoiray

It is also odd though that you say it works well with Chrome and Firefox. I mean, if you’re logged into Google through Chrome, it would know your location better through its own settings and all. Not sure about Firefox.

Random thing here Metal3d… if you go to brave://rewards-internals and then click on Ad diagnostics does it show you at your proper locale?

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