Location of Bookmark Backups

Description of the issue:

I would like to link brave on my phone and on my computer. If I do this, however, I have some paranoia that some catastrophe could casue me to lose all of my bookmarks. Maybe my phone gets stolen when I travel and held for ransom. Maybe I have butterfingers when I use my phone (I’m less adept with a phone than with a desktop). I don’t know. I just know I really really don’t want to lose over a decade of bookmarks, and as far as I can tell there is a small risk that this could happen, since if I delete the bookmarks on one device I will delete them on all devices.

I read here [Most of my bookmarks were deleted for no reason - #2 by JimB1] that brave has a .bak file somewhere that stores a backup of bookmarks and…I guess I don’t know what else. My thought was to get a program to back up that file at regular intervals so that if everything were lost I could restore from last week or last month or whatnot.

But I cannot seem to find the file. I have found the brave software folder as detailed here [BraveSoftware folder location on mac] but I cannot find the Profiles folder where the .bak file is supposed to be–if it exists.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there no .bak until I make one manually? Or does it just not exist anymore? Has Brave implemented some fail-safe that means I am worrying over nothing here? Can I restore my deleted bookmarks even after I stupidly, say, open and close the browser several times?

How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:

I’m not sure if you are aware but there is a rather simple solution to import/export bookmarks:

  1. Go to brave://bookmarks/
  2. At the top right, just below the magnifying glass to search brave settings, there are three dots, click the three dots
  3. It opens up a small menu giving you the option to export (and/or import) all your bookmarks
  4. I’ve also set myself a reminder using the Reminders App to do it once a week and/or month, just to be safe

Sorry if you are aware of this, you didn’t mention it and from what you were saying, you were making it a more complicated process in my opinion, though I understand you might prefer a automatic backup, doing it manually might be safer anyway, but keep reading :wink:. You can use Sync but it’s not smart to rely on it solely as a back up as seen here (as well as other helpful posts about sync within that thread): Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users - #35 by Saoiray

I also recently suggested, if you want to join me and vote for this as well: Make Backing Up Back Up & Restore Brave Settings Easier & More Thorough with IMPORT/EXPORT Feature

Hope that helped :wink:

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