LocalCDN prevents local files from being opened

Description of the issue: Files like .htm, .html, .pdf won’t open in Brave anymore
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install the LocalCDN extension
  2. Try to open a filetype that is assigned to Brave Browser

Expected result: File opens in Brave

Brave Version: 1.71.114

Solution: Deactivate the LocalCDN extension

Brave Search result:

" LocalCDN is a web browser extension that emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy. It intercepts traffic, finds supported resources locally, and injects them into the environment. All of this happens automatically, so no prior configuration is required."

Probably conflicts with a) how Brave Browser is constructed and b) what Brave Browser does.

Brave Browser Development

About Chromium - somewhere online, a few years ago, I found:

“Intrinsically, Chromium is a Google project maintained by many authors (developers, engineers, graphic designers, security researchers … ) from Google, Adobe, Amazon, ARM, Brave, Cloudflare, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Igalia, Intel, Logitech, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nvidia, Opera, Samsung, Vivaldi, Xiaomi, Yandex … and external contributors.”

Chromium is not only a web browser. It is a blend of different important open-source projects:

Deviations from Chromium (features Brave disables or removes)

Chromium source is fetched

Brave code is fetched

Hooks are run

What Chromium features are removed for privacy/security reasons?

Services & Features We Disable Entirely:

I couldn’t actually replicate the mentioned problem after reinstalling the extension (Windows 11 23H2).

On my other PC in the office I also couldn’t replicate it (Windows 10 22H2).

Maybe it was just a coincidence that the files opened again after uninstalling the extension or there was some other conflict with the extension.

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