Linux On Screen Keyboard pop up not working with Brave

I use Brave on my PC for over month now. I like it a lot.

Recently decided to try Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora) on my Dell 7210 2in1.

Pop up OSK is working OK will all this distros. I can use it in system or any app including other web browsers than Brave.

Unfortunately it is not working with Brave. When I click in input field the pop up OSK keyboard is not working.

I discovered that someone already discovered this problem and reported it on github.

Do we have solution to this problem ???

Any help ???

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Maybe something like Onboard app

sudo apt install onboard

Tried onboard for this, it doesn’t work

sudo apt remove onboard

I am in the same boat, looking for a Linux Ubuntu 24.04 on-screen keyboard that works with Brave

This problem is related to all web browsers based on Chromium

So… Brave, Edge, Chrome will have the same problem.

But… Gecko based web browsers like Mozilla for example… don’t have this problem.

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