Hi there,
I’m trying to install a build on my computer in order to participate in contributing (Linux Ubuntu 18.04, on a Dell XPS '13 if that’s relevant).
I’m able to clone the git repo, run npm install
, after which point I proceed with npm run init
. The main download and sync process seems to work fine, however I’m not able to get past the Running hooks stage.
Wanted to check if anybody else encountered problems in this stage on Linux and had any advice, as I’m not familiar with what the process is working on. Tried removing all the files and running the whole install again from the beginning however I get the same problem again.
Below are all the errors I get in case anybody is familiar with them, I’ve added the entire set of messages so apologies for all the text!
Many thanks!
1) The following error occurs around 28% into the Running hooks process, causing the script to skip over it:
0> Failed to fetch file gs://chromium-gn/3523d50538357829725d4ed74b777a572ce0ac74 for src/buildtools/linux64/gn, skipping. [Err: [E2019-04-24T19:40:30.133682+01:00 14436 0 venv.go:942] Command (cwd=/tmp/vpython_bootstrap094596854/packages/virtualenv-15.1.0): [/usr/local/bin/python2.7 -B -E -s virtualenv.py --no-download /home/pjsmooth/.vpython-root/42ff33]` `Process output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "virtualenv.py", line 22, in <module> import zlib ImportError: No module named zlib
2) The process continues until it hits this series of errors which cause npm to crash altogether:
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136112+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136120+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] goroutine 1:
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136127+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #0 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:595 - venv.(*Env).installVirtualEnv()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136134+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to create VirtualEnv
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136145+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136152+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #1 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:511 - venv.(*Env).createLocked.func1()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136163+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to install VirtualEnv
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136169+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136177+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #2 go.chromium.org/luci/common/system/filesystem/tempdir.go:55 - filesystem.(*TempDir).With()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136184+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #3 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:103 - venv.withTempDir()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136196+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #4 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:497 - venv.(*Env).createLocked()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136203+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #5 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:272 - venv.(*Env).ensure.func1()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136210+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to create new VirtualEnv
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136217+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136226+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #6 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:957 - venv.mustReleaseLock()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136236+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #7 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:258 - venv.(*Env).ensure()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136248+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #8 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:154 - venv.With()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136256+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to create empty probe environment
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136263+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136269+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #9 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/run.go:62 - vpython.Run()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136276+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #10 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:318 - application.(*application).mainImpl()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136287+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #11 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:402 - application.(*Config).Main.func1()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136294+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #12 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/support.go:46 - application.run()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136301+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #13 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:401 - application.(*Config).Main()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136312+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #14 vpython/main.go:93 - main.mainImpl()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136319+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #15 vpython/main.go:99 - main.main()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136326+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #16 runtime/proc.go:200 - runtime.main()
[E2019-04-24T19:40:30.136333+01:00 14436 0 annotate.go:241] #17 runtime/asm_amd64.s:1337 - runtime.goexit()
Downloading 1 files took 0.242064 second(s)
Error: Command '/usr/bin/python src/third_party/depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py --no_resume --no_auth --bucket chromium-gn -s src/buildtools/linux64/gn.sha1' returned non-zero exit status 1 in /home/pjsmooth/Desktop/Projects/Brave/brave-browser