When I launch brave through the app selector, it launches very slowly, often having my tabs get closed or stating that it crashed unexpectedly. When I tried to use the terminal to open brave, I was greeted with a crash message stating something along the lines of my cryptography for my passwords themes and bookmarks wasn’t responding properly, and that there was a non-existent directory when searching for an nvidia file. I wish I could send the crash report, but for some reason I am unable to copy and paste it. If I am able to recreate it I will follow up.
I do not have a Linux machine available, and I’m not quite sure if “brave” or “brave-browser” is the correct process, here. But, the remaining command line character strings for each, are the same, after the process name:
brave -n --args --disable-gpu --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure --incognito
brave-browser -n --args --disable-gpu --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure --incognito
The idea, here, is to somehow get Brave Browser running, from the command line, and using flags that might reduce its thirst for CPU/RAM.
If this test works, then go to, and ENABLE both:
The first - adblock cosmetic filtering - can reduce CPU thirst.
The second - would allow you to get some Crash IDs and send them to Brave Support.
Both of those possibilities, are mentioned in Brave Support replies by “Mattches”
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