LastPass extension will NOT download

I am not able to install LastPass extension into Brave
I go to the extensions page and try to download. The popup for checking with the accept button shows then I get the error as shown. Look at the bottom of the image. I have tried multiple times. I have made Brave the default. Turned off shields for the chrome webstore and disabled my virus program.

Nothing works.

I would like LastPass to work

** Version 1.25.72 Chromium: 91.0.4472.101 (Official Build) (64-bit)**

Also brave won’t update. See this image
Snap2022-07-23, 09_10_59

Do you have any extensions installed/enabled? If so, does it still happen with them all disabled?

Also, which version of Windows is this, and is it up to date?

I disabled the one extension I had and it still did the same thing. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium

I just tried turning off safe browsing and same thing

OK. I got it. I just installed the latest Brave from the downloads page. Once that was done I was able to install the extension.

Thanks for the reply


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