Lack of autoscrolling in vertical tabs

While in vertical tabs mode, opening new tab(With middle click, ctrl click or from context menu) doesn’t scroll them to the last(newly openned) one, which is quite unhandy

@cool20141 the function you’re describing can be achieved using Ctrl + Shift + click. This is the expected behavior for the browser, regardless of whether or not you’re using vertical or horizontal tabs.

No, I meant without switching to the new tab

Can you elaborate on the exact behavior you’re looking for? Is there a browser that does this already? If so which one?

Well, I meant that if you are in horizontal tabs mode and you open new tab, it’s in easy access and in view, so you do something and get immediate response.
In vertical tabs mode(I don’t know about other browsers unfortunately) tabs don’t shrink and show only only some of the openned tabs(And that’s good), so if you open new tab you can’t immediately tell if something happend. That confused me the first time I tried doing this - I thought it didn’t work, but then it become nuisance - tabs don’t keep their position(I don’t know, maybe that’s a bug, but right now if I scroll all the way down and move my mouse away from the panel, it moves up on its own



And thus if I open new tab without switching to it, it has no cue to show that it was indeed openned. What I expected to happen is for panel to scroll down to the position of that newly openned tab(So it’s in the bottom of the panel) and preserve the position there, without resetting

I see what you’re saying. So one way to do this would be to set a custom shortcut for this behavior. Note that you’ll want to add a shortcut to the New tab to the Right action — it is titled this way because the default tab layout is horizontal. So even though it’s technically opening the tab “below” the current tab in vert tab mode, the correct action to assign is New tab to the Right.
To do this:

  1. In Brave, go to brave://settings/system/shortcuts
  2. Search for “new tab”
  3. Locate the New Tab to the Right action
  4. Assign the desired shortcut to it (in the example below, I’ve assigned the shortcut Command + Shift + U)

Now when you use this shortcut, it should always open a new tab directly below the one you’re currently on.

No, no. It opens new(empty) tab and switches to it. That’s not the problem I am facing. I say that, when I open links in new tabs(Middle mouse click, ctrl click(or in your case it’s probably command click), context menu → open in new tab) it may open outside the current vertical panel scope(So you have to manually scroll down to see the new tab), which is, as I said earlier, very unexpected and confusing. The other problem is that panel doesn’t keep its position, so I have to scroll down again and again after moving my mouse away from panel(As I shown on the GIF)
Here’s how you can reproduce what I’m talking about:

  1. Have many open tabs
  2. Open new tab by clicking any link with middle mouse click(Or any other combination of buttons I mentioned above)
  3. It seems like nothing happened
  4. Scroll down
  5. Now you see your newly openned tabs

What I expected to happen is:

  1. Have many open tabs
  2. Open new tab by clicking any link with middle mouse click(Or any other combination of buttons I mentioned above)
  3. It scrolls down to the position of newly openned tab

I hope I explained it better this time

Yes, that is a better explanation and I do understand what you’re saying. However I actually do not see this behavior on my end. For me, here is what happens when I use the mouse wheel to open a link from a page with vertical tabs enabled:

The browser does not scroll to find the newly opened tab/link because it always opens the new tab directly below the one that you currently have selected and as such should always be in view.

In the video I performed this test on macOS but I also tested on my Windows system and get the same results. Can you please try the following test for me? If you could record the results similar to the recording I made above as well that would be super helpful.

  1. In Brave, go to Menu --> More tools --> Add profile and create a new browser profile (note that it will not erase your old one)
  2. In this new profile, configure it to use vertical tabs, then open a bunch of empty tabs so that you have to scroll up/down to view them all
  3. Scroll to the top of the tabs and visit any site, then middle-click (or Ctrl + click) a link on that site

If you do this and the newly opened link appears at the bottom of the tabs list, then there is a bug of some kind affecting the behavior.

That is what I’m talking about. If you’d try opening new tabs(the same way you show in your video) from the last tab on the panel, it would not be so obvious that something had happened at all. And that is very confusing.

Here's what I mean. You can't tell that new tabs were openned until you scroll down


Also for

It’s out of scope, but may I suggest for development team to make it be “pinned” like pinned tabs, but temporarily, while it’s active tab, so it’s always in view, no matter if you scroll up or down from it