Keep Getting Logged Out of Every Website

Hi, FWIW I have a Early 2015 MacBook Pro with macOS Mojave Version 10.14.5.

I’ve used Chrome for a long time, but today it started forcing me to log into every website-- like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, etc.-- with my log-in and password, including having to through 2-Factor Authentification, even though I didn’t have any settings enabled that would have deleted cookies, log-ins, passwords, or anything. Every time I closed the browser and re-opened it, I would have to go through this process again, and even after doing every step of troubleshooting I could, the problem continued. So I stopped using Chrome and downloaded Brave.

I logged into all of my favorite websites on Brave, saved my log-in and password information, but then after I closed Brave and re-opened it, the exact same thing happened! I was signed out of every single website! No matter what settings I try, this keeps happening over and over again, and I’m getting very upset, and I would like help to figure out how I can keep using Brave without having to go through 2-Factor Authentificaiton every time I want to use a website. Thanks for the help.

@OneEyedJacks did you have any options enabled for “Clear on exit” under brave://settings/clearBrowserData ?

Using the Dissenter browser. Whenever I go to a page that has Disqus comments, I must log in even if I logged in on another post at the same site. Sometimes, when I try to upload an image, it says I must be logged in even though I am.

I looked for the clearBrowserData setting mentioned above but could not find it in my settings.

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