Joke payments 0.033 BAT instead of 12.972

One of the reasons people are using brave is the Bat rewards. This month I earned 12.972 BAT and now I received a message that my 0.033 BAT rewards will be distributed this months. Why is that? Why only 0.033 BAT? Can anyone of the administrators respond?

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Search criteria: ‘no ads in:title’

Search criteria: ‘payout in:title’

Search criteria: ‘balance bat in:title’

Search criteria: ‘bat roll over in:title’

You can follow the discussion about the supposed “fix” here.
They suggest sending the logs to the developers

I’m on the newest android browser version (…)106, and it made it worse.for me as i now won’t get 50% but less than a quarter BAT.

Support is a joke, either they don’t answer or reply after the monthly pay outs are closed.

Duck it, one more month and i might decide to leave this in the ditch.

Also happens to me.

Please see the following thread for next steps regarding this issue:

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