Hi Brave.
Would you like to explain your disrespectful behavior towards the project participants?
How can a company like yours afford such a humiliating attitude towards people?
To be honest, it doesn’t fit in my head.
Explain to us please. How can you just pick up and get rid of a person who devoted his precious time without specific explanation?
Just let’s find out the situation without any excuses (our system has detected and so on) because it’s not interesting to anyone.
What kind of answer do you give living people?
Our analysis of your account(s) has led us to determine your account is in violation of the Brave terms of service. Due to this, your account(s) will remain permanently closed. Brave reserves the right to terminate publisher accounts that have been demonstrably shown as fraudulent and/or misleading.
Help me understand this phrases:
Our analysis
What is your analysis? How did you do it?
Led us to determine
Whom us? Program or living person? Please be more specific here.
Your account is in violation of the Brave terms of service
In violation of what specific rules?
Why do not you indicate a specific violation? Then a person can no longer make such a mistake, if it was of course.
Brave reserves the right
If you want to have rights to act with possible consequences, be so dissimilar to explain specifically the reason for your actions. As the situation is very sensitive for everyone.
Have been demonstrably shown as fraudulent and/or misleading
And again, where is the concreteness? It’s like butter butyric.
And what are these bans or blockages of people who want to appeal your not perfect system?
Or do you want to say that your anti-fraud system is perfect? I do not think so.
In any case, your indifferent behavior and disrespect for people made me write an article that will spread everywhere.
And it will be very humiliating when people find out how you behave with the right people.
I understand it can be frustrating not having a clear answer on these matters, but no company on Earth is going to give you their fraud metrics – would you like the keys to our office, while you’re at it?
No anti fraud system is perfect either – that’s why we have an appeals system via [email protected] and give everyone a fair chance at making a case for themselves. We go above and beyond in this sense – good luck getting a single email back from Microsoft, Google, FB, etc. if they catch you pulling the strings.