Is there a list of Brave Search tools?

Is there a list of Brave search result tools? Like: calculator, weather, money converter, unit converter, etc?

When I try to search for a list, the results are mostly components of Brave, not search result tools.

Before saying this isn’t a support topic, it is. I use GrapheneOS and Brave. I don’t install any other apps. My “apps” are basically Brave search result tools and URL bookmarks/shortcuts on homescreen. I would like to know what all the search tools are available to me, so I can add them to my homescreen.

Regarding Brave Search Engine Operators (“SEO”):

In my experience, the plus and particularly the minus symbols usage have NOT been reliable:

  • +: Returns web pages containing the specified term either in the title or the body of the page. Example: to find information about FreeSync GPU technology, making sure the keyword “FreeSync” appears in the result, type “gpu +freesync”.
  • -: Returns web pages not containing the specified term neither in the title nor the body of the page. Example: to search web pages containing the keyword “office” while avoiding results with the term “Microsoft”, type “office -microsoft”.

Example, enter into the Brave Search Field (not in the URL address field) at


and search. Notice the results. Next, enter in the search field:

penny NOT site:wikipedia AND NOT

Notice the results and the difference between the two results sets.

Also consider:

Understanding goggles

!bangs you may use in Brave Search:

I used the allintitle: search engine operator, found in the following info:

Search Engine Operators Guide:

Operators and bangs is not what I am talking about. Did you bother to read what I posted?

Your title and category-tag:


“Is there a list of Brave search result tools?”

“I would like to know what all the search tools are available to me”

@289wk you quoted the part about tools, but ignored part of calculator, weather, money converter, etc. So they did narrow down explicitly to the type of functionality that they were looking for.

While you provided a lot of information about other things Brave Search can do, none of it touched on those specific types of categories.

@Xarcell this isn’t anything I’m aware of at this time. I’d be relying on @steeven or @Mattches to possibly answer this. Maybe @solso or others from Brave Search but they hardly ever appear here on Community.

I think a lot of people from Brave are still kind of on their little vacations. Should start seeing them come back at the end of this week or sometime next week. At least have tagged some in and hopefully as they get back and try to catch up, they will see where I tagged them and can provide some better answers for you.

I did not ignore what the OP poster wrote.

The OP poster wrote:

I would like to know what all the search tools are available to me

I provided all the info about “Brave Search tools” about which I have known to date.

In addition, the Brave Community is a community of many users and visitors who read posts of interest to them, and given the probability that some will drop by to read the OP - given the title of the OP - again, I posted the list.