Hello, I have seen a airdrop forr 30 BAT for downloading Brave. Is this real
Hi @sweetmouthd,
No BAT “airdrop”. Free ~30 BAT is grants for Brave users to try Brave Rewards system. And it’s not only for new users, but for all users that use Brave on desktop.
Also note that there’s a monthly limit for the grants. https://brave.com/brave-users-get-rewarded-to-browse/
Ok thanks. I have the brave desktop and enabled rewards but no 30 bat grant showed up?
And it seems there’s no grants running for this month, yet. You’ll be notified via BAT logo in URL bar if there’s grant available.
I recieved the bat grant. How do I register as a publisher?
You can register as a publisher here: https://publishers.basicattentiontoken.org. Thanks!
I have registered and verified on UPhold when I look at tipping for my youtube channel it says “This creator has not yet signed up to receive contributions from Brave users. Any tips you send will remain in your wallet until they verify”. When will my youtube page be able to recieve tips?
I have registered and verified on UPhold when I look at tipping for my youtube channel it says “This creator has not yet signed up to receive contributions from Brave users. Any tips you send will remain in your wallet until they verify”. When will my youtube page be able to recieve tips?
You may have to wait up to 48 hours for the browser to update its list of verified publishers. Only after it receives the fresh list of verified publishers will it display verified status. Some people’s browsers will update sooner than yours, so you will appear verified to some and unverified to some others up until the 48 hour mark, at which point all Brave users’ browsers should have updated their verified publishers list.
On the server-side, though, as long as you have your channel(s) in your dashboard, they are good to go.
The YouTube channel hasn’t verified it’s been 5 days. Does this take longer than 48 hours
Can you link your YouTube channel so we can check from our side?
Try restarting your browser.
Make sure you are viewing your channel from an individual video and not necessarily the channel page.
There is an involved step 4, but that solves most cases.
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