Is brave beta worth whiching over to to see ads

is brave beta worth whiching over to see ads

Hi @buzzer11,

Brave Beta is an early preview for new versions of Brave. This build showcases the newest advances that we’re bringing to your browser, and it’s ready for your daily use and feedback on remaining issues that we want to fix.

Whichever you prefer. It may have more bugs than stable release but “more stable” than Dev version. :wink:

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Working pretty good for me. Sometimes it’s not crediting me for viewing some ads, but most of the time it does. You can choose how many ads you want to see per hour. Give it a try. Start earning some BAT

Nope, most of ads by Brave are low-grade, sample… when I activate the ads funny how they able to accept crypto website offering financial services but not running under SSL… seriously??? financial services over plain HTTP?

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