Hi, I just subscribed to the Brave VPN on my iOS iPhone 6s because I wanted to block the ads on all my apps, as you describe this service does.
I activated the service, rebooted my iPhone, and opened my YouTube app. Then I opened a video and was surprised to see that there were still ads on the app.
I expected to have no ads on my YouTube app anymore, but they still appear. Not only the video ads, but also the YouTube feed ads/sponsored videos.
What caused this? Is it a problem my iPhone has? How can I make your premium service block the ads on my YouTube app?
Thanks for your help.
Brave version:
1.19.2 (
iPhone 6s
Software version: 13.7
Model number: NN0W2ZP/A
Additional Information:
Using this service in Mexico.
@Isaac is correct. VPN doesn’t block Ads. Adblocker and VPN are two different features that work differently.
If you are using YouTube app then it wont block ads as the feature is not available on the app. To block ads on YouTube please browser YouTube in Brave browser for it work and block ads.