iOS background play bug

Description of the issue:
On iOS background audio cuts out after a few minutes or 2 songs

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Go to youtube or other media site
  2. Enable “Background audio”.
    3 return to homescreen or lock screen.
  3. Let music play for a couple minutes (or songs)
  4. Audio will suddenly cut out
  5. Background play breaks and must be disabled, then re-enabled to work again

Expected result:
Once enabling the audio it should remain on. In the event of audio stopping, should not have to reenable

Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.67 (127)

Mobile Device details
Iphone XR

Additional Information:
Sorry if this has been asked before, ive seen some similar threads, but none that actually have this issue, if it was my oversight i apologize

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