Incorrect creator info displayed on dropdown for wallet while on their page

Refer to attached photo. This is what happens on Mr. Dice Person’s Twitter. Nothing in the Twitter account says the name in the drop down for the Wallet. It is my Twitter and can confirm. The channel is anonymous in reality, so it is very strange that it displays like this. I need it to display like my linked youtube where it matches everything and doesn’t throw my real name up there when it should just match all my profile info. I hope there is a solution to this because only brave tells me a different name, no one could see that info unless they use that function in brave…
Please help! I really need it to read proper info up there. It is very important. For me, it is a security issue.

I am in dire need of invalidating the brave rewards cache… I’m sure that this can be done in a timely manner. Thank you in advance since I have anxiety over the issue because I understand that it is just a fluke of cache that should be not like this easily.
EDIT: On my mobile it say brave servers are down, but only when I look at my twitter.

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