November 21, 2024, 9:29am
Description of the issue:
When visiting the listings on , I can see the text below the " Item description from the seller" for a second, and then it disappears.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Visit any listing, for example:
Check the “Item description from the seller” for the description
Press F5 to see that the description is showing for a second and after that is hiding.
Expected result:
Item description from the seller should be shown for the buyer.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.73.91 Chromium: 131.0.6778.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
I’ve used Chrome DEV Tools to inspect the internal structure and the listing description is inside the iframe section.
I’ve tried to disable “Brave shields”, “Reset permissions”, and allow “Insecure content” - sometimes it’s helping for a while, but then the iframe starts to disappear even with the settings above.
With Chrome 131.0.6778.71 and 131.0.6778.86 iframe is showing just fine.
Here are some screenshots:
November 21, 2024, 9:36am
Autoplay Allow (default)
Google Sign-In Ask (default)
Leo AI chat Block
Ethereum Ask (default)
Solana Ask (default)
Location Ask (default)
Camera Ask (default)
Microphone Ask (default)
Motion sensors Block (default)
Notifications Ask (default)
JavaScript Allow (default)
Images Allow (default)
Pop-ups and redirects Block (default)
Background sync Block (default)
Sound Automatic (default)
Automatic downloads Ask (default)
MIDI device control & reprogram Ask (default)
USB devices Ask (default)
Serial ports Ask (default)
File editingAsk (default)
HID devices Ask (default)
Protected content IDs Allow (default)
Clipboard Ask (default)
Payment handlers Allow (default)
Insecure content Allow
Augmented reality Ask (default)
Virtual reality Ask (default)
Hand tracking Ask (default)
Window management Ask (default)
Fonts Ask (default)
Automatic picture-in-picture Ask (default)
Scrolling & zooming Ask (default)
I’ve refreshed the site about 6 times, Still seeing “Item description from the seller” iframe
November 21, 2024, 10:03am
Thanks for the reply, you can’t reproduce and it should be my local setup problem.
Checking the enabled extensions list - it could be a “Malwarebytes Browser Guard 3.0.10” problem.
Test in private window mode
November 21, 2024, 12:29pm
I’ve disabled and enabled back Malwarebytes extension and now the Item description is showing both in Private and Normal mode.
For this one link:
This HP EliteBook 840 G10 laptop is a powerful and sleek machine that is perfect for both personal and professional use. In addition to its impressive specs, this laptop also features Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, built-in webcam and microphone, and a backlit...
It’s not showing Item description even with Malwarebytes disabled, but showing in Private mode.
p.s. Disabling the Urban VPN extension helped
Ebay has lots of anti-vpn, anti-bot protections, wouldn’t surprise me a vpn would affect it.
November 21, 2024, 9:21pm
VPN inside the extension is disabled, but it looks that enabled VPN-extension is enough to produce the problem