If it isn't censoring what is it?

When searching the term " tesla " having the search filters to USA , Safe Search OFF , Any time, Any duration , Any Resolution , the result is not totally relevant. But many results.

When searching the term " tesla " having the search filters to USA , Safe Search OFF , Past Week , Any duration , Any Resolution , the result is two from 4 days ago.

When searching the term " tesla " having the search filters to USA , Safe Search OFF , Past Day , Any duration , Any Resolution , the result is 0.

Description of the issue: My search results become censored if I use any of the tools to filter search results.
edit If you look at the first image you can see that multiple results from the past day show up. Then they don’t.

Brave Version (check About Brave): Version 1.48.171 Chromium: 110.0.5481.177 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Operating System: Windows 11

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@Microdot Having a bad search algorithm does not equate to censorship. As you said, it shows results but struggled when you chose Past Day. If it was censorship, you wouldn’t see it at all.

Agreed, makes no sense. Because if say “This Month” it shows things from just hours ago. But put in Past Day and it says no results. That’s weird. Just so you know, as has been said by the Search Product Manager (Jan Piotrowski), they have less than 10 people working on Search.

That said, I’ll tag @Mattches and @solso here in hopes they can check. I know I was able to duplicate the problem. Hopefully they’ll investigate and get it fixed!


Definitely not “censorship” but certainly is weird behavior. Taking a look and will reply when I have more information.