I want to stop ALL autoplay

Still a major issue, along with many others that crash the browser continually. How is this a mainstream browser with so many errors? What can we do to help?? Something needs to change, but I don’t want to give up after such a good start.

  1. Go to brave://settings/content?search=autoplay
  2. Click additional permissions.
  3. Set autoplay to block

    It works for me.
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Not on mobile, where this is a bigger issue with data, sorry.

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So something really weird happens with brave, specially on youtube. So, I have the settings of default turn off autoplay globally.

Now, If you open youtube homepage and then simply click a video, it does not autoplay, but if you open the video in a new tab and then switch to that tab, it starts playing as soon as you switch to that tab.

Not sure why this is happening.

I’d like to see animated GIFs included in this category, as I’m fed up with sites now using them in article headers, for example AndroidPolice has them and they are very annoying https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/04/20/google-photos-has-a-category-for-all-of-your-memories-and-here-they-are/


If a GIF image (animated or not) belongs to a tracking ad network, Brave already blocks it.
If you want to block animated GIFs in general, or other images, there are lots of extensions. Try this one https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stop-animations/gemmknjnneiojfjelmgappppbaneikda but there are many more.

I’ve tried many of them and not one works very well, and almost all of them haven’t been updated in several years. The one you directly mention works by taking a screen-shot of the entire page to “freeze” the action and then resumes when you press “Escape” - it’s just a kludge for a feature that should be part of the browser - I don’t want the extra data downloaded by these minute-plus GIFs which has extremely poor compression…

I’ve used “Block image” for a long time and it works perfectly https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/block-image/pehaalcefcjfccdpbckoablngfkfgfgj Light and fast. It’s not been updated simply because it still works. It’s very aggressive though.

Salut meci de m’aider

That setting appears to have gone.
It is STILL VERY ANNOYING to have to suffer autoplay.
The main reason for me to switch to Brave was that it blocked all that stuff.
What happened?


I just pulled it up on my Windows 10 browser. Which OS are you using?

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OSX 10.14.6 Mojave.
I cannot see any option to disable it.

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I found it under Settings > Privacy & security > Permissions.

Under permissions, hit More Permissions. It pops under there.

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Wow. Now it’s under
Settings > Privacy & Security > Site and Shields Settings > Permissions > Additional permissions > Autoplay

What the actual french toast f*7@$ Brave devs???

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That’s ridiculous. What are these guys playing at? This autoplay thing is absolutely insufferable beyond belief!

And worst of all, it doesn’t even work! I disabled autoplay via the settings you mentioned, and YouTube still somehow manages to load a new video Instantaneously!

No matter what I do, I can’t stop new videos from loading momentarily after a video finishes. I’ve tried going through my YouTube settings, Brave settings, I even installed YouTube Enhancer and tried to stop it through that. Absolutely nothing works!

This is an absolute dealbreaker for me. As much as I love chromium for its speed and power, I’m switching back to Firefox. This is whack.

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I’ve noticed that it seems like Youtube will reset autostart on their videos. Is the slider on the bottom of their videos set to autoplay?

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Videos auto play on Amazon and Yahoo and elsewhere. Why do we need to install an extension if there’s already a block feature? And it isn’t working. I’d also love to block animated gifs. But I need an extension for that as well.

So why not post reliable, tested extensions if thats what we’re going to need?

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I checked the mentioned sites and none of these autoplay videos or gifs when the autoplay setting is disabled.

android (Brave 1.32.112/Chromium 96.0.4664.45/Android 12)
macOS (Brave 1.32.113 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (x86_64)/macOS 12.0.1)

I tried the following:

youtube.com (I checked the home page and also opening a video in a new tab, no autoplay in either case)

Are you seeing difference results?
What OS and settings do you have?

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It’s not there, I can’t find it when drilling down to that option. This is on version 1.32.113

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You can go in setting and change the auto play button, just off it and your videos will never augo play. You have to click on video to olay after that