I want to put brave on my kids computers and sync their browser to my wallet

You do not know how many times my kids, or wife, run across something interesting surfing and I would like to download Brave, install, and sync their brave reward browsing to a single wallet, mine.

Is this even possible?
I especially want to do this with my work computer.

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Hello @DocQwerty
would this family PC be windows oriented? If so, follow these steps.

  1. You can go to Brave rewards here on the PC that has your wallet: brave://rewards
  2. Look for this gear icon, and click it
  3. Copy the key provided on your PC from here
  4. Open your family PC with the same brave://rewards
  5. Import your key into the family PC on the ‘restore’ button here:
  6. Click done and you should be good to go!

Notes on other OS’es
Mac and Linux is forigen territory to me, as I use Windows and Android, so you are more than welcome to try my tips on Mac/Linux but bear in mind that Android / iOS lacks this feature so far.

Hope this helped!


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