I sent $Wuf with a bridge from my Wax wallet to Brave Solana wallet but not showing up

Description of the issue:

With the MyCloudWallet bridge I transferred $Wuf from my Wax wallet to the Solana wallet in the Brave wallet. The amount is deducted from my Wax wallet and the transfer visible in the transaction history. But it doesn’t show up in my Solana wallet.

Now I was just wondering while it is still beta if other tokens than $Solana are supported yet? That might clarify why it does not show up. I was thinking that because I can’t add any token to the list on Solana.

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.65.123 Chromium: 124.0.6367.91 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Additional Information:

Did you make sure to enable them as visible assets?


Like if I’m seeing the same thing, it’s not enabled. I would have to hit the + to make it visible in my portfolio. I’m not sure if auto discovery is good enough to automatically enable when you received.

If not sure what I’m speaking of in regards to visible assets and all, make sure to check my little FAQ at Visible Assets: Activating or Adding to Brave Wallet

Thank you for your response.
I could not find how to add it, so I did, which took a while to get it visible in my account.
But that does not make the $wuf I transferred to the Solana wallet visible.

I have checked on the Wax blockchain explorer and it is sent to the right Solana wallet address. But when I check the Solana blockchain explorer there is no activity on that wallet address visible. So very strange.

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