I miss the deadline

Months ago I remember there was a deadline for users to transfer our rewards to a wallet or new system… i dont really remember as I was busy at the time. I have been signed out for months now and i want to sign in to continue earning but it tells me i need to connect to uphold or gemini or make a wallet here… but it doesn’t show me the rewards like it used to.
What did i have to do? can you please send me links…

Hello - Please see the updates made in August 2023, regarding changes to Brave Rewards.

The deadline to connect vBAT ended on November 2nd, 2023. vBAT is longer considered valid, and was removed from the Brave Rewards experience. This means that even if you’re on an old version of Brave that still shows a vBAT balance, that vBAT can no longer be redeemed after the deadline.

Verification for earning and withdrawal is required with one of our custodial partners. You can learn more here: https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032158891-What-is-KYC-

Thank you!

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