I just got scammed right here

In this case, I think a scammer posted a fake link to "support" and stole my seed phrase - #16 by chh_68, the scammer transferred it directly to binance without ‘washing it’ or ‘mixing it’.

Your case is different, here it is just sitting in the wallet. He has to move the funds to a centralized exchange like Coinbase. Then, you can figure it out via use of police.

Law enforcement will do nothing for that low sum.

True to some extent, but 1000$ is not that a low sum of money.
But do notify them, if you wish to notify them.

They might scale your request with chainanalysis (https://www.chainalysis.com/) and might possibly find him. If they are still unable to find him, then atleast his address (0x59048) will be permanently in record of police and not only local police but international police via chainanalysis.

(My above comment is just opinion, it might not happen the way I am talking about. I am not a lawyer, nor an expert)