Good Friends of Brave the day of yesterday had scheduled date of payments but to the date of today I have not received any payment. Will they know what will be happening?
Thanks for your valuable help
Good Friends of Brave the day of yesterday had scheduled date of payments but to the date of today I have not received any payment. Will they know what will be happening?
Thanks for your valuable help
Ayuda en mi caso @eljuno
A few publishers got their payouts delayed until next week – you should get paid out then
Please make sure you are 100% verified on Uphold!
What does verified in this context mean?
There’s confirming your account, and then there’s Uphold’s Verified Member status ("Become an Uphold Verified Member and get access to insider perks including…)
If the Brave wallet does not show any issues, are we good to go? Or is this step necessary as well?
In this context i’m referring to Uphold’s Verified Member status, not adding your sites to Brave Rewards.
This step is necessary to actually get paid out! Until you verify, your account will continue to accrue BAT, however, and will stay there
Amigo Asad como estas En efecto, mi cuenta de retención si se verifica por ese motivo es que tengo la duda de que estoy comentando, aunque no he recibido mi pago de pagos valientes. ¿Está pasando algo? ¿Podrías ayudarme?
algunos usuarios verificados por Uphold también se vieron afectados por un error en el libro mayor que hizo que no se pagaran la semana pasada. Esperamos que todos se paguen esta semana.
Está bien muchas gracias Amigo Asad
Thank you for your insight. This would seem to be a major UI problem/miscommunication, wouldn’t it? On the Brave Rewards website, there’s absolutely no indication that Verified Member Status is required. After connecting to an Uphold wallet that requires Verified Member Status (attached is a screenshot of my UI, at least), all that is shown is that the wallet is connected- there is no hint of something else being required.
Would it be possible to even put a warning here along the lines of “note: your Uphold Wallet must have attained Verified Member Status to receive payouts?”
Greetings Asad. I communicate with you because I am still waiting for a payment scheduled for January 8, as you indicated this week should have been made the payment of the rewards, but have not yet been executed, will you know what will happen?
Grateful for your valuable help. regards
Really appreciate this feedback – we’re going to work on making this MUCH more transparent. The change to mandate verified status was a very recent one.
Hi there,
I was informed that the payouts will be happening by the end of the week. If there is a delay, I imagine it would not be very significant (perhaps a few more days).
Excellent Asad, let’s wait then this week. Thank you very much for your great help.
hello I am verified in uphold since 2016 and I still do not receive my payment this month
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