I have earn 3 bat token in this month but i am not able to login in the uphold account because it is showing region problem.My concern is that what will happen to those token that i earn through is month

please give the answer… And also fix this error

Error: Region not supported

Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards cannot be verified because your region is not supported for Brave Rewards verification at this time.

You still earn BAT and receive payment. It just arrives to your browser and not Uphold/Gemini. As to the whole unsupported region thing, it’s been announced many times already. Please read links below:

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After this month end the earn token will be deposited on my linked wallet or it will disappear .

No, if your linking is now unverified the token will be stored inside the browser, simple as that, like eveyone who can’t connect to the exchanges for region support issue.

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