I have been watching ads for the last 15-20 days but the rewards are not being added, they are the same as before

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Rewards Help Center

If you have a payment issue please submit a ticket to us directly.

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Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)

Brave 1.73.91, Chromium 131.0.6778.85

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Are you in a supported region?
(see here for list of supported regions)

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@Emtishaldanish read through PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators - #11 by Saoiray and Receiving credits only form first ad for Brave news ads in 1-2 hours - #6 by Saoiray

I don’t feel like repeating it all, but that’s the answers for you

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I hope they do some heavy marketing in the UK and other regions where we barely receive anything other than Brave ads! :sneezing_face: