I use webroot and have been getting notifications about having “Memory leaks” and “Handle leaks”…
what can I do about this?
thanks for the help.
---------this is what they said-----------------------------------------------------------------
Retired Webrooter
2136 replies
System Analyzer is telling me there is a handle leak. What is a handle leak, and what can I do about it?
When you run System Analyzer, it may report a program has a handle leak. Common programs to report this are Microsoft Outlook (outlook.exe) and Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe).
A handle leak is a program bug that occurs when a computer program, such as Outlook, requests a connection to a resource on the computer, but does not release the connection when it has completed its task.
These are not infections and cannot be fixed by Webroot. The Analyzer is pointing them out because they can be a risk to the computer. There are only so many resources available on a machine and having a large amount of handle leaks can slow the computer down considerably.
To resolve this issue, we recommend you contact the technical support for the program reporting the leak. For example, if the leak was from Outlook or Internet Explorer, you would need to contact Microsoft Support.