I dont receive my BAT


Is neccesary that I hope one time?Or what is It happens?

It’s not directly deposited to your Uphold. But you should see your BAT on your creators.brave.com dashboard.

Also, note that self-tipping may lead to account suspensions.

If you want to withdraw your BAT from Android, do it via supported way – by connecting your Uphold account. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034841711-What-is-a-verified-wallet-

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Thanks you, @eljuno for the reply .
Why the self-tipping have to lead to the account suspension? if these BAT are mine, I will be able to do that I wanna with its. I consider other via to send BAT android to Upload account

Other question,
my BATs android is in creators.brave dashboard, how do I send these BAT to my Upload card now?

Thank you as always

I have the same question @eljuno

Will be automatically deposited once a month, every 8th.

Again :point_down:

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