I don't get rewards

I have not received any more BAT from the ads since November until today, my account is linked, but no BAT arrives.
I have looked at several ads since then but nothing has arrived. Could you check the problem? Could you solve it? and credit me all my due BAT?

Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? Windows 10

Who is your verified custodian? Uphold

Are you in a supported region? Italy

If you have a payment issue please submit a ticket to us directly. Thanks!

Submit a ticket

Thank you, Ticket 297626 send

My Ticket is 297626. but I have not received any response. I am waiting for the problem to be resolved. Thanks

What seems to be the issue? Payouts are currently processing for this month. Any previous deposits can be seen directly in your Uphold account.

@Evan123 it looks like their original post said they didn’t receive payments since November. Two weeks ago you told them to submit a ticket and they replied with the ticket number. Then today they shared same ticket number and are saying they never got a response to the one from a couple weeks ago.

Seems to be:

@AlessandroTroia you also submitted a duplicate Ticket #297620 and received a response on January 22nd. Let me know if I can help with anything else. Thanks!

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since november i no longer receive bat. even though i continue to view and count the ads. and for this you told me to send the ticket. but i have not received any response

To clarify, you submitted two tickets, which were merged and received a response on #297620.

Your profiles were not connected until December. Please let me know if you do not see a recent deposit in your Uphold after the December connections. Thanks!

You have auto-contribute enabled. This is likely the reason for not seeing deposits, since theres a contribution amount set for each month.

You can disable auto-contribute on each device by visiting brave://rewards

it has never been active since i signed up. i just activated auto contribution in february. can you check the transactions?

Sending you a DM. Thanks!