hello during the month of November I visualize more than 217 publicity but there are publicity or I have not received the rewards, in the end for about 230 publicity I received 0.5 beats,
but i’ve already seen that my winnings are between 0.6 and 1 bat while I received only 0.5 beats in the end and also i want to know what estimate for a pub looks BECAUSE what I read it is 0.05 per pub while I totaled more than 230 in a month but i recived just 0,5BAT
@mus it is difficult to understand what you are saying for sure. But just so you know, estimated earnings always existed to give an estimate and never was a guarantee. Brave had, for years, been giving us extra BAT by paying us to see ads for Brave products. That bonus has now stopped and we only receive payments for ads Brave is paid to show.
Most likely your region has little to no ads and all you saw was Brave house ads. Brave realized that the math is wrong since this changed happened and is why they have now done away with estimated earnings. You’ll notice it does not show anymore.
thanks for your return, sir is it normal to receive that 0.5 BAT for having seen more than 230 advertising,
@mus As I told you, we no longer get paid for house ads. So how many of your 230 ads were house ads? Let us look at an example. I just went to brave://rewards
and clicked on 30-day Ads History. Below is a small excerpt of it.
In this screenshot, it shows 5 ads. Two of them were from Brave, meaning they don’t pay.
Now I also see one is from EA that says EA FC25 and the other two are from Cloaked.
If I go to https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/ I can see all ad campaigns in my area. Let’s look at the EA FC25 and Cloaked ads.
EA FC25 (0.01 BAT)
This one seems to be a SI, which stands for Sponsored Image. This is what appears on New Tab Page. It looks to pay 0.01 BAT for each view.
They have a few campaigns. So let’s look based on the terms.
Scrubs your data from the dark web… (0.005 BAT)
When I search, I find it here. It is a PN, which stands for Push Notification. This means it’s an ad that shows up as a device notification. It pays 0.005 BAT for each view.
Secure your identity online and IRL (0.005)
This looks to be part of the same PN campaign as above. It pays 0.005 BAT per view.
Brave ads:
Then just to show the transparency, the two Brave house ads were Brave Technologist Podcast
The one I saw actually isn’t listed, meaning it likely expired. They do have timelines like we see on the top, where campaign below started on November 10, 2023 and expires December 31, 2024. But this screenshot is of a Brave Technologist Podcast. You can see it pays 0 BAT.
But that’s USA numbers
Each country has different charges. My ads might be 0.005-0.1 or so per ad, but your country might be different because otherwise it’s too expensive for the advertiser.
So big thing is for you to take a look to see what ad campaigns are in the are and what they pay.
If you don’t have a lot of advertisers that are paying for ads to be seen on your device, then you may be stuck with a lot of Brave ads that don’t pay. In which case it might make sense that you only get what you mentioned.
If you look at my example, I’d only be getting 0.004 BAT per ad on average after I factored in Brave ads. If we trust your number of 0.5 for 230 ads, then that would be around 0.0022 BAT per ad. It certainly seems low, but too many factors to consider.
Also to show, some ads do pay lower like within your range. For example:
This one here would be just 0.0025 BAT per ad. So then combine that with 0 BAT ads for Brave products and it would make it seem lower.
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