I cant witdhraw USDC (base lama nodes) from brave wallet

Description of the issue:
I can’t witdhdraw my usdc (on base lama nodes) from brave wallet to another wallet (like metamask, and already add the network)
I have eth for gas (0.00195eth) but everytime i try it just say error…

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

Base lama nodes

What operating system are you using?

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Brave wallet on mobile (last version)

Additional Information:

piece of sh!t scammer

Hello! Are you still seeing this issue? What specific error is appearing?

I can only see “error”, this is not possible to have the details…

If you clear transaction and nonce information do you still see an issue?

Look for Clear wallet transaction and nonce information Clearing transactions may be useful for developers or when clearing state on a local server under brave://settings/web3